The Human Resource Department of Kpone-Katamanso Municipal Assembly coordinated a two-day training programs on Planning for Retirement and Managing Terminal Diseases held on 21st and 22nd July 2021 respectively for all Heads of Department and Units using Excel-Link Consult.
The Head of the Human Resource Department, Ms. Shalom Afari, in her welcome address emphasized the reason of the workshop was to raise awareness and educate staff to adequately plan for their retirement which is inevitable so as to prevent been a burden to their children and the extended family at large.
Ms. Shalom Afari addressing the participants at the program
Mr. Joseph Deseneh, one of the facilitators, explained to the participants that retirement is one of the normal phases in life and planning earlier towards it during the one’s working life has become very necessary for a comfortable life during retirement. According to the facilitator, planning late towards retirement could be very dangerous hence, appealed to the participants to reduced unnecessary expenditure as well as avoid procrastination regarding retirement plans. He further counselled the participants to be pondering daily on the following questions; “When would I retire? how long would I live? What have I owned? And what has been my monthly basic expenditure?”
Mr Deseneh, a resource person, educating the participants on retirement planning
The facilitator also took the participants through how to plan for financial management, how one’s health could be taken care of during retirement, estate and accommodation as well as recreational activities. He emphasized that during retirement, accommodation is the major issue since most retirees did not own a house of theirs and it has become very crucial for anyone planning for retirement to own a house because of the peace of mind that comes with it as a benefit thereby preventing the hellish experiences that could come along while staying with family members and eldest children. He appealed to participants passionately to save and invest despite their low level of income. He however admonished the participants to spend quality time with their family and could also start a small business that would provide additional income during retirement.
Participants listening attentively to the facilitator.
In conclusion, Mr. Deseneh said retirement should be considered as another exciting phase of life which is not a threat.
The second facilitator, Dr. Larnyoh took the participants through how to manage terminal diseases which according him are diseases that could not be cured due to its advanced stage for instance, advanced cancer. He however explained that chronic diseases are diseases that could only be managed since it has no cure hence, the patient aught to live with it by adhering to taking of the medications religiously. He gave examples of chronic diseases as diabetes, high or low blood pressure and the like. He further advised that family members of the terminally ill should provide care and love to them as well as a caregiver or a nurse to assist in vising the hospital for medical attention and monitor the administering of their drugs.
Dr Larnyoh in a presentation to the participants
Dr. Larnyoh concluded by stipulating the five stages of grief namely denial and isolation, anger, bargaining, depression and finally, the acceptance of terminal disease.
Participants were given the opportunity to ask questions as well as offer suggestions.
Participants at the capacity building workshop
Credit: Information Services Department