Sub Technical and Spatial Planning Committee Meetings
Members of Technical Sub and Spatial Planning Committees of the Assembly embarked on Joint Inspections and in-house meetings to deliberate on the applications for building permit across the Municipality for the 2nd Quarter 2024. The inspection/meeting findings aided members to take decisions concerning the applications.
The following are some of the pictures of the various meetings;
Figure Sub-Technical Committee visited site for Jude Agyare Akoamah
at Oyibi. Project is a Two Storey Residential Building with a Fence Wall and was at the first floor level.
Figure 2 Members visited site for Jacob Kwame Boateng at Santeo. Project is a Two Storey Residential Building with a Fence Wall and was at the roofing level.
Figure 3 site for Mark Asiedu Frempong at Santeo. A Two Storey Semi-Detached Residential
Building With A Fence Wall. Project was completed.
Figure 4 Sub Technical Meeting at the Assebmly Hall, June2024
Figure 5 Special Joint Inspection Exercise at Santeo
Figure 6 Special Joint Inspection Exercise
Building Inspectorate Unit Activities
Figure 7 Task Force routine Activity
Figure 8 Demolition of unauthorized in Road Reservation at Kpone.
Figure 9 Task Force Routine Inspections
Special Policy Decisions by the Spatial Planning Committee for the 2nd Quarter
Encroachment at Oyibi
The Secretary briefed the committee on the issue of encroachment at Oyibi which was discussed at the 2nd meeting of 2023 held on 28th April 2023. She said that the supposed encroacher had applied for building permit and the checks that were conducted with his site plan on the scheme suggested it was a regular plot as against the ground situation which is a road.
The complainant claimed it was a road and that it was going to block his access if the project commences. With the earlier findings as was discussed in the previous meeting. Recommendations were to;
- Adopt the ground situation which is a road
- Allow the applicant to build and realign road
- Neighbours should buy out the land owner and relocate the applicant
The resolution of the Spatial Planning Committee was relayed to the complainant and the applicant. However the complainant has not been forthcoming with his decision based on the recommendations, meanwhile the applicant is waiting for the decision of the committee. After about a year without any communication from the complainant, the SPC went ahead to approve the application for the parcel of land to be developed as a regular plot as per the layout.
Change of Use
The Committee was reminded about a Change of Use for a parcel of land from Open Space to Commercial submitted in 2022 by Punjab Company Limited (dealers in importation of rice). The application was presented for discussion then, and the following directive was given for the applicant to fulfil before the Committee takes a final decision;
- Sebrepor Divisional Council should formally write a request for change of use for Punjab Company Limited (dealers in importation of rice),
The Divisional Council has formally written to the Assembly and after deliberations the Committee gave the approval for the Change of Use.
However, the Chairman raised concerns about the danger in approving Change of Use Applications from Open Spaces to other land uses. He said that more sensitization should be undertaken regarding ownership and use of public spaces within the municipality and the need to conserve such spaces.
Produce Buying Company (PBC) Layout at Katamanso
An application was presented for the approval of the Layout of the PBC Workers Housing Estate.
The area measures 119 acres of land and is located at Katamanso. The layout includes demarcations for all other services. education, church, market, shopping centre, children playground and many others.
Technical Sub committee discussed and requested that the developer should demarcate an area for Police and Fire Posts to the layout. A member asked if PBC would write to the Fire and Police institutions for the development of their parcels. But the Municipal Coordinating Director answered saying that the Assembly would write to these institutions after an engagement with stakeholders of PBC.
A discussion was also had in relation to the land demarcated for school that preference should be given to Public schools ahead of Private schools. It was also suggested that layouts should be developed for suburbs without layouts within the municipality.
After a thorough discussion, the PBC layout was approved by the Committee.
Pothole patching works were carried out within the municipality to improve the surface condition of the roads and riding comfort of drivers. About 1,315.5m2 were patched within the Kpone township and Nene Tei Dortey Avenue.
A total of 86km of grading and spot improvement works were undertaken in some selected areas within all the four (4) Zonal Councils. This was to increase accessibility and open up most communities within the municipality as well as improve the road condition of existing ones.
As part of efforts to solve drainage problems within the municipality, the following culverts were constructed:
- The construction of 1-cell 2.0m x 1.5m x 10m box culvert on Peaceland road; this culvert was constructed to connect Atadeka and Peaceland areas.
- The construction of double-cell 3.0m x 2.5m x 10m at Bediako; this culvert was constructed after the initial undersized culvert was not functional. This now allows free flow of storm water during the rainy season and communities in this area are now accessible all year round.
- Construction of double-cell 4.0m x 2.0m culvert at Gbestile; this was constructed to connect Atadeka-Washington-Gbestile. The works were done to improve accessibility within these areas and open up more communities.
In 2023, junction improvements were the focus of road safety. There was the need to improve junction accessibility to areas with broken slabs and metal grating installation. These repair works were done to allow vehicles to use these junctions with ease.