The Municipal Chief Executive (MCE) Hon. Samuel Okoe Amanquah on the 10th January, 2023 donated some polytanks to some selected electoral areas to enhance accessibility and to improve on sanitation.
The MCE, in October, 2022 embarked on a community engagement to all electoral areas within the Municipality. The visit was for the MCE to acquaint himself with challenges faced by the constituents within the Electoral Areas.
During the visit, it was disclosed that, Bossah, Hebron and Onukpai Abu Electoral Areas had challenges with water supply.
The MCE, moved by the disturbing information of lack of water supply, he promised to provide them with poly-tanks to help salvage the situation to some extent.
Bemoaning the lack of water supply to those areas, the Hon. Amanquah indicated to the gathering that, the lack of water could lead to life threatening diseases such as cholera, diarrhea, hepatitis A, typhoid and polio, which could eventually affect the general wellbeing of the people in the Municipality.
He added that, to reduce the occurrence of some diseases in the Areas, the constant supply of water was very essential. He further stated that, in line with the Government Programme on National Community Water and Sanitation Strategy (NCWSS) to ensure Universal coverage for water and sanitation services by 2025, which in detail terms means, “ all people living in Ghana have access to adequate, safe, affordable and reliable basic water service, practice safe sanitation and hygiene and that water resources are sustainably managed” and also in line with Strategic Development Goal (SDG’s), the SDG 6 is an ambitious desire to “ensure availability abd Sustainable Management of water and Sanitation for All” by 2030. Targets 6.1 and 6.2 calls for safe drinking water, sanitation abd hygiene for the equitable access to safe and adequate services for all, as well as end open defecation. The Government of Ghana has aligned itself to the goal and targets and is working tirelessly to achieve them.
He also added that, plans are far advanced to ensure that Ghana Water Company extends water supply to the areas in need. Also, the Assembly together with the various Assembly members are exploring further opportunities for drilling Bore-holes in the communities facing acute water shortages.
He advised the people to keep their surroundings clean, pay their property rates and required tolls to assist the Assembly to provide the needed services to the entire Municipality.
In this regard, the Hon. MCE decided to fulfil his promise to the people by providing them with 3 units of 9000 liter capacity poly-tanks to these Electoral Areas.
The presentation was made on behalf of the Hon. Municipal Chief Executive by the Co-ordinating Director Mr. Joshua Adams Asihene, supported by other Heads of Departments in the Assembly.
Mr. Joshua Adams Asihene presenting the poly-tanks to the Assembly men.
The Assembly member for the Hebron Electoral Area Hon. George N. Ahinguah received the poly-tanks on behalf of all the Electoral Areas. In his remarks, he expressed his appreciation to the Municipal Chief Executive for fulfilling his promise. He also acknowledged that providing the Electoral Areas with poly-tanks will help reduce water shortage in their respective Electoral Areas, and pledged that the poly-tanks will be used for its purpose and they will also ensure regular maintenance to enhance its longevity in water storage and supply.